„The first yoga propounded by Shiva was known as Pashupata yoga. Not hatha yoga, not raja yoga, not kundalini yoga, not karma yoga, not bhakti yoga. The original name describes the aim of yoga. Pashu means animal and pati means master. Therefore, it is the yoga in which one becomes aware of the relationship between one’s self and the divine in the form of slave and master. Shiva taught the methods by which a human being can be freed from suffering and attain Shivahood, the state of spiritual awakening.“
The yogadrishti (yogavision) series of satsangs consists of discourses given by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati in Munger as part of the new phase of sannyasa life that he has embarked upon since 2009.
The first Satsang Series was held in January 2010 at Ganga Darshan. Swamiji spoke on the origins of yoga and the first philosophy and system of yoga, called Pashupata yoga. The theme was carried over to the February satsangs held at Baidyanatheshwar Shankarbagh (Sivalaya).
Describing a dialogue between Shiva and Parvati from which emerged Pashupata yoga, Swamiji speaks of the eternal search for happiness, the classical understanding of suffering, yoga as a science of life, sequential system of sadhana and the final state of transcendence.
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